Connect people and context

Swit is designed to help you collaborate with greater focus. The platform is structured to facilitate communication between different workspaces within your organization, allowing you to work just as effectively in a single team as you do in a project-based group composed of multiple departments.


Communicate with greater efficiency

Facilitate more productive collaboration by encouraging discussion within and between work groups. Create public or private channels in your workspaces to organize projects, share information, and foster company culture.

Post, comment, and react

Communicate and coordinate essential information. Use a comment thread to continue discussion for easy reference. Add an emoji reaction to quickly indicate a message has been read or show support. Attach images and files to messages for added context.

View two channels side by side

Open a second channel from any workspace on the same screen using the Swit right panel. This allows you to easily reference information or check progress from multiple sources so that everyone stays on the same page.

Share tasks to channels

Hub plan users can view task card details from the right panel, and easily drag and drop cards to share in a chat channel. Quickly update your team about the status of a task or ask a clarifying question about the direction of a project, all without leaving the chat screen.

Ideas tab

There is an Ideation section for each channel that provides a space for exploring more in-depth topics, and encourages longer discussions. Use it for brainstorming, planning, or even for team-building exercises.


Flexible communication compatible with any project

Conversations continue throughout every stage of a project, whether on a task card or in a chat channel. Speak publicly or privately with colleagues on a more granular level and share external communications with your team.

Share Between Channels

Share a message posted in one channel to multiple channels in different workspaces, adding your own commentary for context. You’re also able to send both public and private messages across workspaces for collaboration on cross-functional projects or company-wide task forces.

Multiple Mentions

Regular communication helps keep tasks on track. Mention multiple people, teams, or groups in a channel message to discuss specific details related to a project, relay instructions, share designs for feedback, and much more!

View Projects from Channels

With the Hub plan, you’re able to view all your projects from the right panel while still on a channel. You can see the status of tasks at a glance, share task cards directly, or open up the task card to leave a comment.

Limitations of separate chat and tasks

Work-related conversations occur at many different levels: task cards, channels, and even across multiple workspaces. When you connect two separate apps for chat and task management, you only get a single connection between one level of work (usually one channel to one project or task card), and that connection only provides a text notification telling you to go to another app. Your chat and task tools might send information to each other but they are not effectively working together.

Chat & Task

Deeper Contextual Conversations

To properly maintain work context you need the flexibility to communicate at all of these different levels of work as well. Swit opens communication through task card comments, channels discussing multiple projects, or group DMs that can go across workspaces. This freedom allows for natural workflows to maintain contextual conversations.

Chat & Task
Swit Hub

One connected workflow between chat and task

Productive collaboration requires the agility to move between project communication and project management functions. That’s why the Swit Hub plan brings all your essential tools into one unified hub, and what makes it the Work OS of choice for any industry.

Convert message to task

Ideas naturally form in conversations, whether for a new project or in support of an ongoing initiative. Easily take a message from a Swit chat channel and convert it to a new task or add it to an existing one.

Pair projects to chat channels

Pairing projects to channels lets you view the status of a task you’re working on right from the chat panel, facilitating more transparency between colleagues and supporting asynchronous communication.

Let’s keep the conversation going!